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Tech Field Day 5

Tech Field Day

I’ve been fortunate to receive an invite to Tech Field Day 5 out in San Jose, California. The event takes place in February and will bring IT vendors and technical people together to talk about products from the various vendors and their particular vision or strategy for the part of the IT market that they do business in. That’s a nice way of saying that a bunch of people get together to geek out for a few days. While most IT professionals can listen to a variety of vendors talk about their products via the usual sales channels, events like this allow people like myself to visit the vendor on their home turf and ask all kinds different questions in a more relaxed setting.

You can read more about Tech Field Day here.

This particular Tech Field Day will be focused on the datacenter. Considering the bulk of my work focuses around the data center, I cannot stress enough how excited I am to take part in this. This will be a great chance to not only talk directly to vendors like Infoblox and Symantec, but to talk to other IT professionals who bring their own opinions and viewpoints to the table. Since I focus on the network side of the house, it will be great to spend some time with people who focus on virtualization, storage, and the systems side of things.

I plan on writing about my experiences at Tech Field Day 5 and will be active on Twitter as well during my time in San Jose. And of course, in the interest of being completely open and honest:

My travel and living expenses are being covered by the various corporate sponsors. However, I am under no obligation to write anything about the event, and if I do, I am not obligated to make it a positive article. Additionally, there may be some things I hear that are not generally released to the public yet, so I won’t speak about those things until the vendor makes them public.

Categories: career, learning, vendors Tags:
  1. Ethan Banks
    January 21, 2011 at 12:00 PM

    Get caught up on your sleep. You probably won’t get enough while you’re there. 🙂 Hint about the mystery box you might or might not get on your first night with the group: it’s not about the weight of the box.

    • January 21, 2011 at 12:04 PM

      So you’re telling me the weight isn’t indicative of a bad present? I’ve had too many pairs of socks wrapped up as a Christmas gift not to be skeptical of light gifts. I’ll lay my cynicism aside based on your advice, but ONLY for this trip. I don’t want to permanently let my guard down and wind up with more socks down the road. 🙂

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